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A Craft Beer Lover’s Denver Discovery

December 7, 2021
New Terrain Taproom

We build our lives around travel. On a given year we plan at least two trips. The pandemic forced us to cancel a large one last summer and made winter trips pointless. We are lucky that we can keep our sacrifices small. The older I get the longer (and colder) winters feel. Travel of any kind helps knock me out of funks I get into as the temperatures are frigid. This year came with extra stressors: the pandemic, a new child, a full home renovation, and no outlet to relax. With restrictions lifted and vaccinations completed our feeling was the nation was back on the table. “What about Denver?” my wife asked. Denver it was.

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Bierstadt Lagerhaus

August 11, 2019

The plan was to drive through Denver on our way back to Minnesota from Moab. These days, researching our destinations includes a heavy craft beer component. With over 400 breweries in the state and 100 in the Denver area, it wasn’t easy to narrow the list down. We were spending the night at my friend’s home and the plan was to meet him at a brewery beforehand. After comparing notes with him it seemed the best use of our time would be to visit the RiNo neighborhood. Due to the density of breweries in the area we would have a lot of options. Though one place sounded particularly intriguing: Bierstadt Lagerhaus.

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